Twenty years ago, three friends took a slow boat ride down the Thames – and decided to start a watch company: Christopher Ward. Two decades on, we’re celebrating that journey with a boat party on the Thames.

And we’re offering members of the CW Forum the opportunity to join us! 

The party will be on June 6th, 2024. The boat will leave at 6:30pm from Westminster Pier, London and return to the same pier by 10:30pm. 

If you’d like to attend, please complete the form below. If you’re successful, we’ll contact you by May 23rd. 

Good luck!

Terms & conditions

Winners will receive one (1) ticket to Christopher Ward’s 20th Anniversary event in London on Thursday June 6th, 2024. The event commences at 18:30 and ends at 22:30. 
Winners will be chosen at random from all entries received. Christopher Ward will not cover any travel expenses to or from the event. The winners will be contacted by May 23rd